Fun Bath Accessories for 18-inch Dolls!

Can you hear those bubbles bubbling?

Turn the taps in this modern tub and use the extendable handheld tap for those hard-to-reach spots. Push the button to hear real water sounds as you get ready for your bath. Put your favorite beauty products on the wooden bath tray, and use them to get your doll squeaky clean. Or use the tray to hold your doll's favorite book so she can read and relax in the tub! Don't forget the rubber ducky - your best bath time pal! Remember, the best bath for your dolls is an imaginary. Comes with:
1 bathtub1 bath tray1 bath brush2 bars of soap1 bottle of lotion1 jar of foot cream1 foot pumice1 jar of bath salts1 bottle of shampoo1 bottle of conditioner1 rubber duck1 bath matDoll and outfit sold separately


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