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Toddlers will love sending their favorite Disney Princess and Disney Frozen characters zooming along in these Little People® parade floats from Fisher-Price®. These Disney Princess characters love to bring along their friends for magical roll-along adventures, because sharing experiences with friends helps everyone have a good time! Kids can collect all the Disney Princess and Disney Frozen parade vehicles to create the ultimate magical parade! (Each sold separately and subject to availability.) Features: ?Each Disney Princess and Disney Frozen character comes with her own unique Little People® vehicle and ride-along friend! (Each sold separately.) ??Vehicles sized just right for little hands ?Roll each vehicle along to send the characters racing from one adventure to the next! ?Kids can collect all the Little People® parade vehicles featuring their favorite Disney Princess and Disney Frozen characters to create the ultimate parade! (Each vehicle sold separately and subject to availability.) ??For toddlers and preschoolers ages 1 1/2-5 years


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